Friday, December 16, 2011

BYOD- one of the top 10 Ed Tech stories of 2011

This year, BYOD landed amongst the top 10 stories in Ed Tech for 2011, according to eSchool News.

As our first semester with BYOD comes to a close, I find it interesting to look at others perspectives on this trend, which is helping districts across the country save money on technology equipment.

You can find the eSchool news summary of the topic at

It talks about the classroom management issue as well as other struggles that teachers and districts face when implementing this new paradigm. Also intereesting in this article is that it sites results from the Project Speak Up Survey, which we are asking our staff, students, parents, and administrators to take this year (see an earlier blog post)

For the entire top ten list, from the beginning, check out eSchool News!

And for our district BYOD handbook, click on the link below the image!

Thursday, December 15, 2011

Flipping Your Classroom

Classroom Flipping is a hot topic these days, and it is a really cool concept. The idea is this, instead of teaching a lesson at school, and sending kids home to practice by doing homework exercises, you do the opposite. You send the kids home to watch a lesson (usually a video, screen recording or tutorial) and then the kids come to class to do the practice exercises. This completely changes the way a classroom looks. Instead of seeing teachers in front of the classroom lecturing, you see teachers walking around and helping students on a more individualized basis.

Teachers can create lessons for students in may ways. Here in Frisco, we have screen capture software that will record your voice and actions. Interwrite does that for us (there is an earlier blog post on this, or your facilitator can help you with that. Mobi is not required to use the Interwrite software. Even PowerPoint lets you record narration to go with your slides. There are also lots of lessons already out on the Internet somewhere. Khan Academy has a ton of great math lesson for example. Links to videos or lessons can bye easily put in Moodle or your classroom web site. Lessons can also be embedded in these vehicles for easy student access.

You could have your students go out and view a lesson on a specific concept, and have them take notes at home. When the students get to class, you could check their notes to ensure they met their responsibility. Then, you could extend the lesson by having them answer questions or work on a project during class time.

Parents like this idea too. For one thing, you are taking parents "off the hook" because they don't feel the need to understand all the concepts their kids are learning in school in order to help them with their homework. In fact, parents can watch the videos or tutorials or lessons with their kids, so they can learn also, without the pressure of helping with application.

Another benefit to this teaching style is that kids can re-watch any lesson at any time. If they struggled with a concept, they can go back and watch again and again. Kids that are absent? No problem! All their lessons are online. In addition, this kind of teaching allows you to really differentiate your instruction. That seems a little strange to say since all kids have the same video to watch. But since class time is now spent helping individual students with their problems, it is easy to remediate and give students that one-on-one time that they are sop desperately needing,

Want more info on how this works? Check out this article or search for "The Flipped Classroom" on Google. You won't believe how much information you will find!

Flipped Classroom
Created by Knewton and Column Five Media

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Google Stock Photos

One of the things that has, in the past, made Google Docs a little more of a challenge to use, has been the lack of a clipart feature. We have become so dependent upon clipart that it is difficult to reconcile the fact that we must go out on the web and find our own images for insertion into our documents.

Enter Google Stock Photo! Now, if you open a document and choose to insert an image, one of your choices is to choose an image from Google Stock Photo. In the image above, I searched for the term "baby" (I guess I have babies on the brain!) and found lots of cute results.

No longer are you completely dependent upon finding your own imagery for your site, blog, or document! Knowing Google, this repository will only continue to grow. Being web based, and not a static software package, Google could update the photos in this at any time.

I love the possibilities this affords!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

Google: Now a Graphing Calculator!

You may or may not be aware, but Google is more than a search engine. There are lots of interesting things that can happen in Google if you know how to word your query. For example, you can track a package by entering UPS, Fedex or USPS package tracking numbers into the search box. Enter something like 10.5 cm in inches and Google will do the conversion. 

And, in the past, if you treated the search box like a calculator screen, it would give you the answer!

But now Google has taken it a step further and added the graphing calculator functionality. Here is a screenshot of three graphs I plotted at once.

Pretty neat! Oh, and did you like all that other stuff you can use Google search for? For more on cool search features of Google: check here!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Facebook- a place in the classroom?

Many educators have strong opinions with regards to Facebook. Either they fall in the "Don't Do IT" camp or they embrace it wholeheartedly. Whichever your stance, you should check out the list of 5 Best Practices for Teachers from Mashable.

By the way, did you know that there are FISD related Facebook pages out there?
There is a page for Pioneer Heritage Middle School, and a page for FriscoISD Libraries to name just a couple. The advanced Marketing students at CTE have also created a Facebook page as part of their ad campaign to end cyberbullying.

Have you ever considered using Facebook in class? Well, it is blocked by our filters, but a little creativity goes a long way here. Why not make a fake Facebook page? Make a page for a historical figure, a famous artist or musician, or a character from a book. See your campus facilitator if you are interested in doing a project like these. We have templates already created that you can use, for both PPT and Google Presentations! There is also a website now called "Fakebook" where you can create a fake page online! Find it here. 

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Use Your iPad as a PC

I know not everyone has an iPad, but I am seeing more and more of these making appearances, so I thought I would share a little gem of an app.

The name of the app is Splashtop. It is a remote desktop viewer for your iPad. This means that you can basically turn your iPad into your PC, allowing you to do all sorts of things that you can't normally do on an iPad.

First you download the app to your device. Next, a wizard will take you through the steps needed to connect your device with your desktop computer(s). This involves

  • downloading something on the desktop computer you want to use:
  • entering the IP address of your computer into the application 
    • to find the IP address, go to Start> Settings> Network Connections
    • then single click on the words Local Area Connection 
    • you may need to scroll down on the left side to see the IP address. It is several numbers with periods in the middle

    • The IP address is also available in the Splashtop Streamer that is now on your desktop computer.
Then you will be set up! When you launch the app on your iPad, it will "take over your computer, and a warning will show on your computer that an iPad is controlling it. 

Your computer does have to be on in order for the app to work!

Still- for all those times at home that you desperately want to view something in flash on your iPad- this works great! Or how about accessing your H drive from your iPad? That works as well! 

Happy Apping!

Tuesday, November 15, 2011


Need another reason to get excited about using Google Docs? Look no further than Flubaroo! Flubaroo is a plugin that allows you to automatically grade forms submitted in Google!

Watch a 3 minute demo of what Flubaroo can do...

Ready to try it for yourself?
Start by going to . There you will find a step-by-step guide to creating your own self-graded quiz!

Monday, November 14, 2011

Project Speak Up

Speak Up 2011
Educators Speak Up – Your ideas are important to us!
Open October 10th – December 23rd, 2011

Your opinions matter to us! We are participating in the online survey Speak Up, so that we can learn more about how you are using technology in class.

The online survey is open to students, educators (including future educators) and parents; it’s quick and easy to get involved. The survey will be open until December 23rd, to take the survey visit:
or click on teh animated banner in this post.

Your password is:

Friday, November 11, 2011

Replace, Don't Add

I think this article really speaks about what teachers are facing right now in the classroom. Don't have time for new technology? You aren't alone in thinking that, but this article may put it in a new light. Check out what this author has to say about the stress of continually adding new things to your plate!

Thursday, November 10, 2011

6th Grader and App Developer

Check out this guy! He is a 6th grader and an App developer. This video is only about 4.5 minutes long, but what a great testament to what kids are capable of when the right resources are available! I love that he is heling teach other kids now. Way to Pay it forward little dude!

Wednesday, November 9, 2011


Solvr is a free online resource that teachers can use to create discussion boards for their students. You don't even have to create an account!

Go to , type in a question, and hit Start. A unique URL will be created. You can direct students to this URL to have a discussion. This wouldn't probably be a great tool on a large scale, but for the odd question (or maybe a homework help forum?) this would be great! Post the URL on your teacher web site to get students to the discussion, or create a QR code to direct them there with their own devices!

Monday, October 24, 2011

Halloween Spook-Tech-ular

Click to play this Smilebox invite
Create your own invite - Powered by Smilebox
Create an invite

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Old School Videos

Do you remember the old "Schoolhouse Rock" videos? There is a whole channel on YouTube that features these videos! Featuring your old favorites like "I'm Just a Bill", "Conjunction Junction", and "Multiplication Rock".

Find these and lots more at

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

No More Flash Drives!

Do you constantly have kids who forgot a flash drive? Do you hate the sound of sobbing when your students find out all the library's flash drives have already been checked out? Did you know...that Google Docs can act as a flash drive?!?!?! It's true! Every one of your kids has a flash drive on hand, online, and it will hold 1Gig of stuff. That is roughly 4 times as much as they can fit on their H drive!

To use this function, they need to open their Google Docs accounts and click Upload under the FISD logo. Then they choose the file they need to carry home with them (any type file can be uploaded!!!) and they should choose to not let Google Docs convert the file into the corresponding Google file type.

When they get home, they can open their Google Docs, and download the file to their home computer. Of course, if it is a Microsoft Word file and they don't have Microsoft Word at home, there may be an issue. in that case, tehy should just convert the file to the Google format, which will then be editable at home. They can always export the file back to a Word Doc when they return to school the next day.

This works for teachers too- you might give it a shot! I personally hate to hear teachers crying when they can't find a flash drive...

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

Free Google Webinars

Free Google Apps Webinars   
Connect with Google's Education team, their partners, and other  educational institutions using Apps in these free live and recorded webinars. TCEA's Monica Martinez will be conducting the "Teaching History with Google Sites" webinar on Oct. 12 from 4:00 to 5:00 p.m. CST. In this webinar, participants will learn how to use the calendar, form, charts, maps, gadgets, and more to create a collaborative interactive classroom environment while making history come to life. Many other topics are also available in the webinars. 

Here is just a taste of what is offered!

Friday, October 7, 2011

Wonderful Workshops

The Fall Technology workshops have been posted! Take a moment to check out the Workshops page at the top of the screen for the selection. If you plan on taking the ExamView class, please make an appointment with me well in advance so I can come help you set up your classes and settings on your computer. This will save us time in the workshop so we can get to the good stuff!

If you were really hoping I would offer something different, please come see me! I will be happy to meet with individuals or departments to do training during the day. I will even do extra team meetings if you are interested!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

What's Up With The Goog?????

It's true, the Goog is changing it's look. Never one to be out of style, The Goog likes to be on the cutting edge of fashion. You may soon see a message at the top of your screen when you access your Google Accounts asking if you want to try out the new look. You can say yes or no at this point. I advise saying YES so you can get used to the new facade before the change becomes permanent. You might also look at the top right of your screen to see if you have a "Try the New Look" option. If you do try the new look, you can always go back by choosing "Use the Classic Look".  If you haven't seen a difference yet, no worries. This kind of thing isn't always rolled out to all users at the same time. We have seen the new look popping up in Sites as well as Docs, so keep an eye out!

Tuesday, October 4, 2011

"The Goog" Organization Tip#1

I have been uploading a million documents to "The Goog" and sharing with you guys. You may have noticed that your list of documents is huge now and it is getting difficult to find anything. Here is a tip that will save your life!

First of all, if you choose "Owned by Me" from the menu on the left of your Google Docs list, then only the documents you created yourself will show up. That can be VERY helpful. 

Second, for documents that have been shared with you in folders (like the whole mess that I shared in the Technology folder) you can do the following:

  • Check all the little boxes next to documents that are showing up in home, and that ALSO appear in a folder
  • Look over at the right hand side. When you have selected documents, you will see an option appear that says "Don't Show in Home"
  • Select that option and all of those docs will henceforth appear only in their folder!

This little tidbit can help you use your collections to their fullest potential. Happy Googling!

Monday, October 3, 2011

What is Interwrite Workspace?

Interwrite Workspace is software you already have on your school computer! I made you a video (using Interwrite Workspace, of course!) and you can see it here. For the training videos and webinars mentioned in the video, visit

With Interwrite Workspace you can:
capture screenshots
capture screen video (with or without sound)
create Interactive presentations

The lesson examples shown in the video (plus LOTS more) can be downloaded to your computer from Google Docs. You can find the Workspace document in your Equipment folder.

I would recommend saving the examples to your desktop and not your H drive, as that file as about 53 examples and is very large!

Friday, September 30, 2011

YouTube in the Classroom

 Did You Know? YouTube now has a channel just for teachers and a channel for education!

The teacher channel can be found at
    The Education channel can be found at

Top 10 Ways to use YouTube in the Classroom
1.     Spark Lively Discussions - Engage students by showing a video relevant to their lives.
2.     Organization - Create playlist to help guide students through their viewing process of educational videos.
3.     Archive your Work - Engage students by showing a video relevant to their lives.
4.     Allow Students to Dig Deeper into a Subject - Allow students to create a playlist to better dissect a subject.
5.     Get struggling students up to speed, and push strong students ahead - Students can use YouTube at home to learn at their own speed.
6.     Review for Upcoming Exams - Turn test review and flashcards into easy-to-watch videos. This way students can hear your explanations as they study.
7.     Create a YouTube Center in your Classroom - When working in stations or centers, have students use your YouTube channel to complete an assignment, freeing you up to work with small groups of students.
8.     Create quizzes to accompany videos for instant feedback - Create a Google Form that students complete after watching a video. You can use this quiz to get instant feedback on what they're learning.
9.     Create Interactive Video Quests - Use YouTube Annotations to create "Choose Your Own Adventure" style video quests.
10.   Flip your Classroom - If your students watch a video of the basic concepts at home you can focus in class on applying those concepts, working collaboratively with their classmates rather than simply listening to you lecture.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

A Picture is Worth 1000 Words

Check out this new Word Cloud Creator? Word Clouds have been around forever. Okay, maybe 5 years, but that feels like forever in the world of technology, right? Some of our traditional favorites are Wordle andTagxedo, but there are TONS more. In fact, if you are interested in these, you can find some incredible information on how to use several of the best at this site, which has tutorials and examples and all sorts of neat info.

But I digress. Now there is a new kid in town, and you don't use it on your computer. It's an app! It does cost $1.99, so if you want me to load this on our iPods for kids to use it, you will need to complete the form in formspace requesting a new App.

I think you could use this in lots of different classes, and if you want to brainstorm with me I would be happy to meet with you!

Check out WordPhoto App Here!

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Great Googly Moogly!

It’s been a Googly kind of day at Pioneer!


·         We had kids come in before school who were using library computers to access use Google Docs accounts
      NJHS students voted for officers this morning using a Google form. They accesses the form using shortcuts I set up on the iPod Touches for them, or by scanning a QR code (created by Mrs. Snyder) with their own device.

·         Student Council Elections are taking place through advisory in 6th grade and during lunch for 7th and 8th. This voting is also done using a Google form, but we are using desktops and laptops to get kids to the form.

·         In Theater, Bucher used Google Docs to share some sound files with students, and now the kids can access those from school or home as they work on writing their musicals! Kids are also collaborating on their musicals, so they are writing them in Google Docs. They can both write on the same document at the same time, and not only that… the kids shared with Bucher too so he can see what they are doing as they are doing it! So cool!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Power On Texas!

From their website: POWER ON TEXAS is a space for administrators and educators to discover how classrooms across the state are harnessing technology to boost student achievement and teacher effectiveness. Here, you can tap into resources, connect with ideas, and find practical tools to get started on your district’s journey to join the digital learning revolution. 

There are some great videos on this site as well as some ideas for activities that might inspire you!

Check them out at

Thursday, September 15, 2011

Texting and the Classroom

Texting is a popular form of communication among teens and adults alike, and it seems that more companies are trying to harness the power of texting for education. First I have a video to share with you about Textiong using a product called "Celly". Then you can click on the picture to see another Texting tool for schools called Remind 101!

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