It's true, the Goog is changing it's look. Never one to be out of style, The Goog likes to be on the cutting edge of fashion. You may soon see a message at the top of your screen when you access your Google Accounts asking if you want to try out the new look. You can say yes or no at this point. I advise saying YES so you can get used to the new facade before the change becomes permanent. You might also look at the top right of your screen to see if you have a "Try the New Look" option. If you do try the new look, you can always go back by choosing "Use the Classic Look". If you haven't seen a difference yet, no worries. This kind of thing isn't always rolled out to all users at the same time. We have seen the new look popping up in Sites as well as Docs, so keep an eye out!
Olympic Challenge
Olympic Challenge is a fantasy sports type of simulation that gamifies
following the upcoming Olympics to get kids interested in the world around
them. Thi...
7 years ago
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